Friday 21 October 2016

Best laptop for bloggers

Best Laptop For Bloggers 

The reality of a blogger is quite different than what one imagines when they think of a content developer or a blogger. What seems to be a comfortable sit at home job, many times is anything but. Bloggers that especially work with content dealing with on-site stuff are always on the go…from one place to another.
Now, some may argue that you don’t have necessarily lug around your laptop all over town, but most of the times there is the emergency of creating content faster to finish the given deadline. Due to this carrying a laptop in your back pack becomes a necessity. Of course any laptop wouldn’t do so here are some features a blogger must always lookout for:
• Battery life
This is crucial, as you will be out on the site for most of the time and if you want to access important files the laptop must be able to carry on for long hours. A laptop that provides 11hrs to 15hrs worth energy juice is enough for a blogger.
• Display
A heavy 17inch display of laptop is just the thing that will break your back if you carry it for long hours. A compact laptop with 13 to 14 inch display which is preferably around 2.6lbs is a perfect choice.
• Processor and RAM
The laptop needs to be quick and snappy with lots of storage space, preferably with powerful Intel core i3 or i5 processor with atleast 4 GB RAM.

for top ten laptops click here

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